At Brearley Hall School, we believe that positive (learning) behaviour is vital to success and achievement in the classroom. We support children with a range of severe Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties that may have impacted negatively upon their attainment and achievement in the past.
Each child has a specific target for behaviour integrated into their Individual Support Plan which is promoted by all staff working with the child to ensure that the highest reasonable expectations are achieved. It is important that all our children understand, and are supported in the acquisition of positive behaviour skills that support their learning and progress. We understand that this may take some time for children new to the school and therefore clearly defined firm, fair and consistent boundaries are set in place from the very first day. Experience tells us that the children will thrive in such an environment as they feel safe, secure and valued. It is our aim to enable our children to succeed in mainstream schooling.
Behaviour for Learning

Keeping our children safe from all the inherent dangers of life in the 21st century is paramount. We wholly understand that the clear majority of our learners are considered vulnerable and therefore require a robust multi - faceted approach to securing an environment (both in and outside of the school parameters) that is consistently safe. This is well-managed and all staff have clear direction regarding the expectations of maintaining the safety of our children.
Effective schools create a whole school environment that is conducive to good discipline rather than reacting to incidents...
There is collaboration and co-operation at whole school level, the school is child oriented and focuses on the causes of indiscipline rather than the symptoms. Prevention rather than punishment is central.
All staff ensure that:
All members of our school community are aware that bullying, harassment and oppressive behaviour in any form is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Bullying, harassment and oppressive behaviour will involve clear sanctions or consequences.
Children will be involved in creating systems to support each other.
Strategies such as Restorative Practice or “buddying” and “befriending” systems are adopted as appropriate.
We tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which champions respect for all. As a school, we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us.
At Brearley Hall School, we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all children, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, gender, disability, faith or religion or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.
Offsite Education
All educational visits are part of the school curriculum unless parents/carers are specifically informed otherwise. As such all children, will go on the visits, subject to the appropriate risk assessments being in place as they are an integral part of the class work of the time.
School Security and Safeguarding
Security is always a concern for the school and as such no visitor can gain access to the school without being accompanied by a member of staff. All visitors are required to sign in and out of The Brearley Hall Visitors book.
No visitor will be admitted to the School without some valid form of identification.
Absence from School
We require notification on the day of absence or lateness. Whilst we do try to avoid dental/medical/agency visits during the school day this occasionally does happen. We do classify un-notified absences as unauthorised absence.
First Aid and Medication
The school staff are qualified First Aiders. In the event of a minor accident or illness, children may be treated by one of these staff. In the event of a serious accident or suspected illness, children are always taken to the hospital and their parents/carers informed as soon as possible.
If a child requires medication either long-term or for short periods of time, it will be administered by one of the First Aiders. Parents/ carers must sign to give permission.
N.B Asthmatic children must keep an inhaler in school always with their name on it. A spare inhaler is always on site in case of emergencies.
Mobile telephones
Mobile telephones, smartphones and other electronic devices are not allowed in school. If they are used in the car on the way to school as a regulating device, they must then be locked in the school office until the end of the day.
Anyone who refuses to hand in their mobile phone will not be able to access the school site and parents/carers will be requested to collect child.
Whilst we try not to exclude students from Brearley Hall School, through our effective behaviour management strategies, it is sometimes necessary to take this step for safeguarding reasons. Parents and carers will be informed by e mail or letter of an exclusion and work will be set. Before the student is reintegrated into school, a meeting with the Lead Teacher will take place to try to ensure that the circumstances that necessitated the exclusion are addressed and thus avoided in the future.